RockStar MD
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Saturday, December 7, 2013
Dokter oh Dokter
Saat ini, hampir pasti dipastikan mayoritas dokter di Indonesia akan bersungut "capek ya jadi dokter di Indonesia tercinta ini".
Ya, negeri dimana orang2nya pengetahuan kesehatannya amat sangat minim.
Negeri dimana medianya amat sangat kompor.
Negeri dimana pemerintahnya sendiri ga peduli, cuma peduli sama terpilih apa enggaknya di pemerintahan dan peduli tebal kantong sendiri.
Sampai2 di kalangan dokter ada joke begini :
Pas kuliah, belajar terus, teman2 pacaran, kita berkutat dengan diktat anatomi yang super tebal. Pas koas, setelah harga diri diinjak2 perawat senior, badan pun terlalu lelah untuk keluar rumah sekedar jalan2. Setelah selesai, mulai jaga klinik, dimana sehari uang duduk nya cuma 100ribu utk 24 jam. Kalau pasien banyak bisa bawa pulang 200-250 ribu. Pasien sedikit, ya 100 ribu lah. Ga mungkin kan kerja setiap hari. Jaga selang seling = 15 hari x 150 ribu lah = 2250000. Minim ya? Kalah sama buruh yang demo terus tiap hari. Mencoba memperbaiki nasib dengan sekolah spesialis. Kalau alhamdulillah diterima, banyak yang masuk 20 juta, spp 7.5 juta per semester. Duitnya? Minjem org tua dulu deh. Sekolah spesialis udah kayak zombie, 3 - 4 hari ga pulang2. Kerjaan banyak, mulai ngurusin administrasi pasien biar pasien bisa operasi/ diperiksa, sampai sekolah beneran. 5 tahun berlalu, kehidupan pribadi hancur. Pacar ga punya. Rumah tangga berantakan krn residensi di Indonesia ga menganut sistem ngasih gaji ke residennya. Praktek pertama, di siram kopi, krn nanya status hubungan pasien dan pengantar pasien. Praktek kedua, ada operasi darurat, dipermasalahkan karena penjelasan inform consent ke keluarga pasien kurang akurat. Masuk penjara 1 tahun. Keluar penjara, nama sudah tercemar, ga ada pasien yang mau berobat lagi. Solusinya? Jadi pembunuh bayaran apa ya?
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Travelling ke Thailand Sawadee krap part 3
Day I 21 Nov 2013
Pesawat Kami berangkat pukul 16.25, untuk berjaga2 Kami
berangkat lebih awal, walaupun sudah web check-in. Jangan lupa kebrangkatan
internasional menutup check-in 45 menit sebelum keberangkatan, jadi pastikan ga
telat check-in. Pesawat berangkat on time. Di perjalanan ada sedikit
turbulensi. Kami tiba pukul 19.45 waktu setempat (tidak ada perbedaan waktu
dengan Jakarta).
Kami memesan taksi dari bandara, sistem pemesananan
berdasarkan antrian dan dengan tarif yang fix, yaitu 700B (karena pesan taksi
model van, kalau sedan ½ harganya). Kira2 membutuhkan waktu 40 menit menuju
hotel. Setelah sampai hotel, yang pertama Kami cari adalah sim card utk
internet-an. Kebetulan di dekat hotel ada 7-11. Jadi di Bangkok itu berjamuran
7-11, dimana2 ada, model Indomaret dan Alfamart gitu deh.
Kami pun membeli minum, makan di 7-11 sekalian. Untungnya,
di 7-11 bisa untuk menukarkan pecahan 1000B yg Kami punya. Sim card yang Kami
beli adalah AIS 3G. The problem is Kami tidak bisa mengaktifkannya sampai pulang,
jadi agak2 hopeless juga. Kasir2 7-11 dengan pedenya berbahasa Thailand tanpa
memandang Kami bukan org Thai. Mau nanya2 juga agak susah.
Day 2 22 Nov 2013
Setelah sarapan, Kami berangkat ke Madam Tussaud Bkk. Kami
naik free shuttle dari hotel, tapi dengan syarat harus mengunjungi Toko World
Biggest Gem yang harganya mahal2. Setelah akting untuk membeli tapi ga jadi, Kami
pun diantar ke Siam Discovery. Wax museumnya berada di lantai 6. Kalau beli
tiket onsite, harganya 800B. Kalau beli online harganya 600B. Kalau pakai early
bird (masuk jam 10-12), lebih murah lagi, 480B. Pastilah Kami beli yang murah.
Setelah puas foto2, kami bergegas makan siang di MBK. Ternyata, lantai 3 Siam
Discovery bersambungan dengan MBK. Di MBK kami langsung ke Lt 5, ke food court.
Selesai makan, shalat, dsb, kami memesan taksi ke Grand Palace. Ongkos taksi
sekitar 110B.
Kami pun masuk ke Grand Palace setelah bayar tiket @500B. Di
sana kami hanya foto2 saja, agak2 kurang tertarik mendengar sejarah2nya. Lalu
kami pindah ke Wat Pho, setelah berjalan 15 menit-an. Tiket Wat Pho murah,
sekitar 150B. Di sana ada patung Buddha tertidur. Tadinya kami mau mencoba naik
water bus di Chao Praya river menuju Wat Arun. Tapi kami urungkan , karena
ramai dan ngantri sekali, kasian si bayi.
Kami pun menyetop taksi menuju hotel, setelah deal di harga 250B.
Day 3 23 Nov 2013
Hari ini adalah waktunya belanja. Karena jhatujhak market
buka. Tapi pertama2 kami ke Errawan museum. Onkos taksi sekitar 120an B. TIket
Errawan Museum sekitar 200-250 B. Setelah melihat2, kami mencoba menyetop taksi
untuk langsung ke Jhatujhak market, tapi ga ada yang mau. Untung nya ada taksi
yang mau ke stasiun BTS terdekat, Bearing. Jhatujhak berada di pemberhentian
BTS terakhir (Mo Chit), jadi ga akan kelewatan. Ongkos BTS @52B. Di JJ market,
kami pun kalap belanja. Segala macam barang juga ada. Weekend market ini memang
menguras tenaga. Kami balik ke hotel dengan cara naik BTS sampai ke BTS dekat
hotel, Asok. Ga dekat juga sih, kalau jalan, 30 menitan. Dari stasiun BTS kami
menyetop taksi.
Sorenya kami ikut Chao Praya Cruise dinner setelah membooking terlebih dahulu di hotel. Biayanya @1500B. Fasilitasnya ialah, transportasi PP, naik cruise dan makan malam. Menu makan malamnya lumayan lah, mirip2 di kondangan, prasmanan gitu.
Day 4 24 Nov 2013
Agak menyesal juga sih membeli tiket yang siang, karena kami
kurang puas jalan2!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Travelling ke Thailand Sawadee krap part 2
Yang paling bikin senewen adalah menentukan transportasi dan akomodasi di Thailand. Setelah bbrp minggu browsing2, tyt dari Indonesia hanya 2 low cost carrier ke Thailand, Air Asia dan Mandala Tiger Air. Setelah membandingkan harga, pilihan jatuh ke Mandala Tiger Air. Saya booking langsung dari reservasi online Tiger Air.
Untuk hotel, saya booking dari Agoda, setelah sebelumnya membaca2 review dari TripAdvisor dan Agoda juga (Jadi kata istri saya, review di TripAdvisor lebih subjektif). Kriteria hotel saya hanya satu, yaitu dekat stasiun BTS /MRT nya Thailand. Kriteria hotel istri saya lebih banyak, ga berisik, AC, da nada air panas. Dan karena kami membawa bayi 11 bulan kami, tentunya hotelnya harus bisa menerima anak kecil, krn ga semua hotel mau menerima bayi.
Akhirnya pilihan hotel jatuh ke Atrium Bangkok Hotel di daerah New Petchaburi Rd, Sukhumvit. Kriteria saya tidak terpenuhi sih, tapi yaudah gpp.
Next.... Nyampe Thailand!!
Travelling ke Thailand Sawadee krap part 1
Bener ga ya judul di atas?
Jadi cerita nya begini, saya yang katanya residen bedah yang super sibuk ini, berhasil curi2 waktu buat pergi ke Thailand 21-24 November 2013 kemarin. Yaaa, berkat bujukan istri juga sih. (Kalau mau tahu gimana caranya liburan untuk para residen, hub saya aja, hehehe)
Jadi yang pertama2 harus disiapkan adalah… PASPOR!
Ya benar, paspor, paspor istri saya masih berlaku, anak saya kami bikinkan paspor di Kanim Jakarta Timur (samping LP Cipinang). Nah paspor saya?? Ternyata 5 bulan lagi akan habis, jadi mau ga mau saya harus perpanjang dulu. (Jadi ceritanya saya juga baru tahu sih, kalau masa berlaku paspor kurang dari 6 bulan, itu ga bisa ke luar negeri, walau paspor nya masih berlaku). Saya memilih memperpanjang paspor di kanim Jakarta Pusat, lokasinya di daerah kemayoran, dekat angkasa pura. Kenapa di situ? Karena katanya di situ bisa one day service dan kebetulan jaraknya dekat dari RS. Saya pun datang pagi2, walau ga sepagi pas stase ribet yang harus datang subuh, sampai sana jam 5 pagi.
Ternyata antrian sudah panjang. Saya pun masuk jalur antrian. Jadi begini, di kanim Jakarta Pusat hanya melayani perpanjangan paspor, tidak melayani pembuatan paspor baru. Paspor bisa daftar online, bisa daftar offline. Daftar online itu maksudnya dokumen2 di upload dulu, trus tinggal datang, bayar, wawancara, foto. Tapi daftar perpanjang paspor online itu harus dari jauh2 hari, karena harus milih hari dimana bisa datang untuk wawancara + foto. Enaknya online, datengnya ga harus pagi2. Untuk orang spt saya yang jadwalnya ga jelas, saya ga bisa pakai system online, jadi harus manual datang ke kanim dari pagi. Perharinya, perpanjangan paspor manual/offline dijatah 175 nomer, untuk offline 25 nomer.
Hal yang menyebalkan ialah, 1 org itu diperbolehkan mendaftarkan 3 orang maksimal (jika bukan keluarga). Jadi walaupun skr ga ada yang namanya calo2 berkeliaran, adanya org2 “travel”, ga tau deh travel apaan, yang membantu (baca:dibayar) proses pengurusan paspor. Di depan saya kalau saya hitung2 paling 50 orang saja, tp ketika pintu gerbang dibuka dan nomer dibagikan, saya kebagian nomer 150-an. Kebayangkan ada berapa calo/travel di depan saya? Setelah masuk, saya menunggu koperasi buka, untuk mengambil map kuning dan formulir isian. Ngambilnya gratis, tp perlu fotokopi ktp. Kalau bisa, siapkan fotokopi ktp, dll yang banyak, biar ga ribet. Setelah itu, isi formulir dan duduk manis menunggu loket dibuka jam 8.
Saya baru dipanggil jam 10an. Setelah berkas dimasukan, sy diminta ke atas utk bayar ke loket BNI sebesar 160.000 IDR (155ribu +adm). Lalu diminta ke mesin pengambilan nomer wawancara + ngasih nomer tersebut ke loket 2. Selanjutnya menunggu untuk dipanggil wawancara + foto. Selesai2, jam 11-an. Untuk tahu kapan paspor bisa diambil, cukup menanyakannya di loket pengambilan paspor.
Tyt paspor saya baru jadi besok, jadi yang katanya one day service itu bull shitttt….
Dan esoknya saya kembali untuk pengambilan paspor, langsung di loket pengambilan, ga perlu datang pagi dan antri lagi.
Ya benar, paspor, paspor istri saya masih berlaku, anak saya kami bikinkan paspor di Kanim Jakarta Timur (samping LP Cipinang). Nah paspor saya?? Ternyata 5 bulan lagi akan habis, jadi mau ga mau saya harus perpanjang dulu. (Jadi ceritanya saya juga baru tahu sih, kalau masa berlaku paspor kurang dari 6 bulan, itu ga bisa ke luar negeri, walau paspor nya masih berlaku). Saya memilih memperpanjang paspor di kanim Jakarta Pusat, lokasinya di daerah kemayoran, dekat angkasa pura. Kenapa di situ? Karena katanya di situ bisa one day service dan kebetulan jaraknya dekat dari RS. Saya pun datang pagi2, walau ga sepagi pas stase ribet yang harus datang subuh, sampai sana jam 5 pagi.
Ternyata antrian sudah panjang. Saya pun masuk jalur antrian. Jadi begini, di kanim Jakarta Pusat hanya melayani perpanjangan paspor, tidak melayani pembuatan paspor baru. Paspor bisa daftar online, bisa daftar offline. Daftar online itu maksudnya dokumen2 di upload dulu, trus tinggal datang, bayar, wawancara, foto. Tapi daftar perpanjang paspor online itu harus dari jauh2 hari, karena harus milih hari dimana bisa datang untuk wawancara + foto. Enaknya online, datengnya ga harus pagi2. Untuk orang spt saya yang jadwalnya ga jelas, saya ga bisa pakai system online, jadi harus manual datang ke kanim dari pagi. Perharinya, perpanjangan paspor manual/offline dijatah 175 nomer, untuk offline 25 nomer.
Hal yang menyebalkan ialah, 1 org itu diperbolehkan mendaftarkan 3 orang maksimal (jika bukan keluarga). Jadi walaupun skr ga ada yang namanya calo2 berkeliaran, adanya org2 “travel”, ga tau deh travel apaan, yang membantu (baca:dibayar) proses pengurusan paspor. Di depan saya kalau saya hitung2 paling 50 orang saja, tp ketika pintu gerbang dibuka dan nomer dibagikan, saya kebagian nomer 150-an. Kebayangkan ada berapa calo/travel di depan saya? Setelah masuk, saya menunggu koperasi buka, untuk mengambil map kuning dan formulir isian. Ngambilnya gratis, tp perlu fotokopi ktp. Kalau bisa, siapkan fotokopi ktp, dll yang banyak, biar ga ribet. Setelah itu, isi formulir dan duduk manis menunggu loket dibuka jam 8.
Saya baru dipanggil jam 10an. Setelah berkas dimasukan, sy diminta ke atas utk bayar ke loket BNI sebesar 160.000 IDR (155ribu +adm). Lalu diminta ke mesin pengambilan nomer wawancara + ngasih nomer tersebut ke loket 2. Selanjutnya menunggu untuk dipanggil wawancara + foto. Selesai2, jam 11-an. Untuk tahu kapan paspor bisa diambil, cukup menanyakannya di loket pengambilan paspor.
Tyt paspor saya baru jadi besok, jadi yang katanya one day service itu bull shitttt….
Dan esoknya saya kembali untuk pengambilan paspor, langsung di loket pengambilan, ga perlu datang pagi dan antri lagi.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Best Metallica Songs
Picking the 10 best Metallica songs might just be the hardest thing we've ever tried to do. As one of the most successful and internationally recognized bands around, Metallica's discography includes nine studio albums and over 40 singles, all created and released over the course of more than three decades. This huge catalog is the foundation for Metallica's success that has now reached beyond the world of music, whether it be a critically acclaimed documentary or their own music festival or an in-the-works 3D movie that showcases their one-of-a-kind live concerts. As fans eagerly await the band's next studio album, we've racked our brains to a mushy pulp to come up with this list of the 10 Best Metallica Songs:
Metallica 'Fuel'
From: 'ReLoad' (1997)
'Fuel' is the most popular tune from 1997's 'ReLoad,' and it is hard to argue against it being one of Metallica's best songs. With the ferocious intro delivered a cappella by James Hetfield, the song never lets up for the four and a half minutes it runs. 'Fuel' definitely serves up the fastest-paced and most in-your-face song from 'ReLoad' - and arguably outshines any tune on the band's previous album, 'Load.'
Listen to 'Fuel'
Metallica 'Fade to Black'
'Fade to Black'
From: 'Ride the Lightning' (1984)
Call it a ballad if you must, but 'Fade to Black' is one of Metallica's best songs if for no other reason than it shows just how talented the band really is. Being Metallica's first true slow song, it covers the theme of suicide and is the first track that guitarist Kirk Hammett received co-writing credit on. Despite being slow-paced, the tune still conveys brutality and intensity, whether it's through Hetfield's lyrics or Hammett's guitar solos.
Listen to 'Fade to Black'
Metallica '...And Justice for All'
'...And Justice for All'
From: '...And Justice for All' (1988)
One of the most complex songs in Metallica's catalog, '...And Justice for All' stretches to nearly 10 minutes long. Due to its complexity and length, it has been a rarity for fans to enjoy the song live at Metallica concerts. However, the common absence of the song from setlists does not make it any less powerful. The band's fans had high expectations following 'Master of Puppets' and with the '...And Justice for All' title track, Metallica proved that they were still on top of the metal world.
Listen to '...And Justice for All'
Metallica 'Master of Puppets'
From: 'Master of Puppets' (1986)
Selecting the order of tracks for 'Master of Puppets' was no doubt a hard task, but picking 'Battery' to open the album was a stroke of genius. The song opens with an acoustic guitar riff - just like the opening track of 'Ride the Lightning' -- that leads into the band joining in with full-on power and intensity. The song is one of current bassist Robert Trujillo's favorites as he requested to begin his audition with Metallica by jamming on the tune, further cementing late bassist Cliff Burton's legendary status.
Listen to 'Battery'
Metallica 'For Whom the Bell Tolls'
'For Whom the Bell Tolls'
From: 'Ride the Lightning' (1984)
'For Whom the Bell Tolls' is inspired from the Ernest Hemingway novel of the same name, and is one of the most-played songs at Metallica concerts. It has become a fan-favorite no doubt due to that unique opening that sounds like a guitar, but is actually the sound of Cliff Burton playing a bass fed through distortion. 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' was first released as a promotional single, which meant it never hit the charts.
Listen to 'For Whom the Bell Tolls'
Metallica 'Kill 'Em All'
'Seek & Destroy'
From: 'Kill 'Em All' (1983)
'Seek and Destroy' first made its debut on Metallica's demo tape, 'No Life 'til Leather.' Thirty years later, it still stands out as one of the band's premiere songs. Since around 2004, it has been the staple tune the band jams on to end their live shows. With obvious influences from bands like Diamond Head and Saxon, 'Seek and Destroy' has turned into an anthem for Metallica fans throughout the world. With the piercing opening guitar riff to the brutal lyrics of "Running / On our way hiding / You will pay dying / One thousand deaths," everything builds up to the climactic and powerful chorus: "Searching / Seek and destroy!"
Listen to 'Seek & Destroy'
Metallica 'One'
From: '...And Justice for All' (1988)
The last single to be released from '...And Justice for All,' 'One' sets itself apart as one of the best songs recorded by Metallica because of its build-up from a slow, clean, haunting opening to a heavy, fast and absolutely shattering ending. That ending features an unforgettable solo from axeman Hammett as well as an earth-shattering display of Lars Ulrich's double-bass drum kit. To make the song even better, Metallica recorded their first music video around it, a dark video that splices together footage from the 1971 anti-war film, 'Johnny Got His Gun,' with shots of the band playing the song.
Listen to 'One'
Metalllica 'Enter Sandman'
'Enter Sandman'
From: 'Metallica' (1991)
'Enter Sandman' might have one of the most recognizable guitar riffs around, and as the first track, sets the stage for Metallica's self-titled 1991 disc (aka The Black Album). With a dark theme that follows a child and his nightmares, one of the most memorable moments in Metallica's career comes when producer Bob Rock's son recites the line 'Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep' alongside Hetfield. Nowadays, fans can hear the song in a number of places outside of the album, including football games, baseball games and a slew of other athletic events.
Listen to 'Enter Sandman'
Metallica 'Creeping Death'
'Creeping Death'
From: 'Ride the Lightning' (1984)
Taking their cue from the Bible, specifically the book of Exodus, Metallica deliver an instant thrash classic from their second studio album. Packed with Metallica's signature sound, the highlight of the song has also turned into a staple at Metallica's live show. After a blistering guitar solo and about four minutes into the song, the chanting of 'Die! Die! Die!' makes 'Creeping Death' a song Metallica fans will always bang their heads to.
Listen to 'Creeping Death'
Metallica 'Master of Puppets'
'Master of Puppets'
From: 'Master of Puppets' (1986)
One of heavy metal's best songs ever, 'Master of Puppets' opens with a crushing guitar riff that carries the tune for over eight and a half minutes. The dynamic opus that covers the theme of drugs and addiction has become a mainstay in Metallica's live set. It's been covered an innumerable amount of times by bands of several different genres, and was reportedly Cliff Burton's favorite Metallica track. While fans will argue over this for years to come, 'Master of Puppets' tops our list of the 10 best Metallica songs of all time.
Listen to 'Master of Puppets'
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Blackberry Radiation
As most of you might know, Blackberrys have a bad reputation of sever radiation emission.
I'm a guy (and not a business guy) so I usually keep my cellphones in my right pocket. But after getting this Blackberry Curve, I'm afraid to continue with that habit.
Is there any good solution to this problem? I dont usually carry a bag around, or else I would keep it in my bag. And I dont think I would like clipping it on my belt.
According to a just released study done by the Environmental Working Group (EWG), the BlackBerry Curve 8330 is #4 on a list of phones with the highest levels of radiation. The group says they tested radiation emissions of over 1000 phones marketed in the United States.
“We would like to be able to say that cell phones are safe,” said Olga Naidenko, Ph.D., EWG Senior Scientist and lead author of the study. “But we can’t. The most recent science, while not conclusive, raises serious issues about the cancer risk of cell phone use that must be addressed through further research. In the meantime, consumers can take steps to reduce exposure.”
This study is particularly disturbing when you consider we just recently detailed another article that clearly states that cell phone radiation emissions cause brain tumors.
Well. If you don't want it in your pocket and you don't wanna carry a bag or wear a clip I guess your last choice is carry in your hand or don't carry. Bluetooth headset will help with radiation to your head.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Stay Healthy When Fasting
If you weed through all the controversy, you'll find that most medical experts agree on one thing: fasting is not a healthy weight loss tool.
"The appeal is that [fasting] is quick, but it is quick fluid loss, not substantial weight loss," says Madelyn Fernstrom, PhD, CNS, founder and director of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center's Weight Loss Management Center.
"If it's easy off, it will come back quickly" -- as soon as you start eating normally again, she says.
Even some proponents of fasting for other medical purposes do not support fasting for weight loss. Some say it can actually make weight problems worse.
The positive effects of IF have been chronicled in a variety of animal and human studies, starting with a seminal experiment in 1946 , when University of Chicago researchers discovered that denying food every third day boosted rats' lifespans by 20 percent in males, 15 percent in females. A 2007 review by University of California, Berkeley, researchers concluded that alternate-day fasting may:
Decrease cardiovascular disease risk.
Decrease cancer risk.
Lower diabetes risk (at least in animals, data on humans were less clear, possibly because the trial periods in the studies were not long enough to show an effect).
Improve cognitive function.
Protect against some effects of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
What should we make of this?
Dates will provide a burst of energy. Fruit juices will also have a similar, revitalising effect. Start by drinking plenty of water, which helps rehydration and reduces the chances of overindulgence. Avoid the rich, special dishes that traditionally celebrate the fast. Foods to avoid deep-fried foods, for example pakoras, samosas and fried dumplings high-sugar and high-fat foods, including sweets such as gulab jamun, rasgulla and balushahi high-fat cooked foods, for example, parathas, oily curries and greasy pastries Healthy alternatives baked samosas and boiled dumplings chapattis made without oil baked or grilled meat and chicken homemade pastry using just a single layer
milk-based sweets and puddings such as rasmalai and barfee.
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