Sunday, August 1, 2010

Grilled Fish Calorie Counters

Do your heart and body good—eat fish. Studies show that eating fish at least once a week, especially cold-water species high in omega-3 fatty acids, reduces the risk of heart problems dramatically. Other research suggests that regularly eating omega-3–rich fish may prevent or relieve depression, joint problems, Alzheimer’s disease and, perhaps, several cancers. Even seafood less bountiful in omega-3s, like scallops and crab, are rich in other key nutrients and offer a rich flavor that belies their lean, healthful nature.

Weight loss surgery patients are instructed to eat a diet of rich lean protein cooked without frying or breading. Grilled fish fits that order with ease! And by all accounts fish is good for us. In fact, the American Heart Association tells us to eat fish twice a week, particularly cold water fatty fish.

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