You work hard all week, so when the weekend finally rolls around you want to play just as hard. There's nothing like a few rounds of golf, a hike in the mountains, or an intense workout at the gym to reinvigorate you.
But all of that activity can result in soreness and stiffness that shows up a day or two later. Don’t be sidelined by muscle pain. Find out the causes and proper treatments so you can stay on your game.
Exercise physiologists refer to the gradually increasing discomfort that occurs between 24 and 48 hours after activity as delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), and it is perfectly normal.
"Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a common result of physical activity that stresses the muscle tissue beyond what it is accustomed to," says David O. Draper, professor and director of the graduate program in sports medicine/athletic training at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah.
To be more specific, says Draper, who's also a member of the heat-responsive pain council, delayed onset muscle soreness occurs when the muscle is performing an eccentric or a lengthening contraction. Examples of this would be running downhill or the lengthening portion of a bicep curl.
After an intense workout out, go and have a massage. Right after. Aside from the sheer indulgence factor, this is also an opportunity for the massage therapist to push the lactic acid out of your muscle tissues, preventing soreness. This is the main reason why massage therapists are on the staff of any Olympic athletic team.
An active recovery can increase blood flow and may help relieve muscle soreness. Try performing easy, low-impact activities such as walking, cycling, swimming or Tai Chi, and keep your intensity down until your sore muscles have fully recovered. Avoid activities that cause pain.
Always take some time to cool down after a workout. Remember, you are not a machine that can be switched on and off at will!
Never ever jump full throttle into an exercise routine that is ill-suited for your level of fitness. Therefore beginners can't start with advanced workout routines.
Always spend a few minutes warming-up. Not only does this prepares your muscles for the rigorous workout, but also gives them much needed flexibility, subsequently reducing the probability of DOMS.
1 comment:
thx for information and solutions workout pain
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