Friday, July 11, 2008


This week i am in orthopaedic stage.

After just 2 days, my opinions for orthopaedic are :

- The people are more high class than common surgery
- The matters are more interesting for me
- It is use more power
- They have an international tests

I don't know whether i am interest in continuing in orthopaedic or not, but i believe handling with fractures is more interesting that handling haemorrhoid.



katakataku said...

Kalau memang itu sesuai dengan hati nurani Anda, mengapa tidak?

Tentukan Arah Nasib Anda Sendiri

Anonymous said...

so, did u make a decision Bro?

it's been while how are u? :)

Mamah Ani said...

huahuhuaaaaa....ya iyalah dibandingin wasir.....

btw...postingan baru ntar ya...masih repottt...ada kawinan, ada khitanan

Kristina Dian Safitry said...

oh my kamus of lost..where are u, now hai kamus...,he..he..

kertaslecek said...

decision must be made

salam kenal ya

Anonymous said...

saya CINTA SEKALI ortopedi!

hidup ortopedi!

satu2nya operasi yang bikin gw semangat n ga ngantuk cuma ortopedi.. hahahaha... rela gw berdiri berjam2 ikutin operasinya LOL

*mulai mikir2 ambil spesialis ortopedi hahahhaa*


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