Friday, October 9, 2009

Metro Sexual Men

Metro sexual men is a term that means heterosexual men with a strong concern for their appearance, and/or a lifestyle that displays attributes stereotypically related to homosexual men. There are still debates about that term. Usually the debate surrounds the term's use as a theoretical signifier of sex deconstruction and its associations with consumerism.

Are you a metro sexual men? For example ; David Beckham is widely considered as a metro sexual men. He choose his clothes carefully. He try to update with the latest fashion. He always update his knowledge about fashion. The best part is he still goods at what he good at. So that term doesn't make him only known for fashion only.

Every men need to consider about their appearances. They must have the ability to choose what is good to wear and what is not good to wear. If you like to use outerwear , then you must choose carefully. Try choosing outwear which is most suitable for you. Choose outerwear which connect with the season. Don't use winter outerwear in the summer. It will be like hell!

This rule also apply if you want to buy pants. There are a lot kind of pants . You must choose the right one for your activity. I believe you won't have a problem for that.


NaiCaNa said...

i luv david beckham....

gk nyambung dech sm postingan.kwakakakakakak

anton claten said...

visiting friend...awaited his visit bac....oke


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