Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stress and Hair Loss

Stress puts demands on people to perform well above their capacity. This demand is very difficult to maintain without some form of relief. Despite the negative perception, stress is an everyday occurrence that affects most people at some point in their life. Following are other definitions of stress:

-- Stress is supposedly a recent phenomenon and is everywhere we turn to.
-- Stress does not feel good and cannot be experienced in pleasant situations.
-- Stress can be achieved when our problems go out of control.
-- Stress and change are related.

When the body and our health is negatively affected (trauma, pregnancy, emotional stress, major illness) your hair no longer has priority for your health maintenance. It's as if your body is saying, "I've got bigger problems to worry about and take care of, I don't need to worry about hair growth right now."

You may have heard that stress can cause hair loss, and it’s true. Excessive physical or emotional stress, like that associated with injury, illness or surgery, can cause one of two types of hair loss:

* The more common type is called telogen effluvium. With this less severe type of hair loss, the hair stops growing and lies dormant, only to fall out 2 or 3 months later. Then it grows back within 6 to 9 months.
* The other type of stress-induced hair loss is known as alopecia areata, and involves a white blood cell attack on the hair follicles. With this type of hair loss, the hair also falls out within weeks (usually in patches), but can involve the entire scalp and even body hair. Hair may grow back on its own, but treatment may also be required.

Severe mental stress can have this affect as your body and mind tries to deal with your emotional issues. This process, known as telogen effluvium, occurs when more hairs go into a "resting phase" and are shed.


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Mia Stubbs said...

Hair loss can stem from a a body feeling in a unhealthy state. Have you ever considered that the words we speak have power!!! With this truth, I believe negative words can also create a negative energy, stress on the mind and body, putting the body in a unhealthy state, which can also lead to another form of hair loss. There is an Author: Mia Stubbs that tells how negative actions and conversations affect others. In other words, "Gossip" which is negative words can affect others. But alot of the times people do not realize whether they are gossiping or not...

There are several aspects to look at the negativisms of Gossip. From a worldly aspect, it is morally wrong, and considered defamation of one’s character, in which in some cases the wrongful gossiper can be sued for such actions. From a Christian standpoint, not only is it morally wrong before God, He states in His word that is a complete, no no. I experienced gossip in the past which led me to writing the book "Stop The Gossiping"! From a Christian stand point, the Bible states in Psalms 41:6 “And if he come to see me, he speaketh vanity: his heart gathereth iniquity to itself; when he goeth abroad, he telleth it.”

It is not hard recognizing when you’re gossiping. To determine whether you are a participant in gossip, you may ask yourself these three questions:

1. If God was standing right next to me, would He approve of this conversation?

2. Is the person I am discussing, present, to defend themselves?

3. If the tables were turned, would I like this to be said about me or one of my loved ones?

If the answers above were each answered “yes,” then there have not been any errors of one’s character being destroyed.

Outside of asking if God would approve of the conversation, the most important is; is this conversation something we need to ask a person that we care about? And should it be asked in private? In no way should anyone be placed in a position to be embarrassed and made to feel that their private details true or false are the root of conversation, for entertainment and amusement for the group for that day, or any other day!

Individuals that gossip can be cured of their disease, very quickly! And this is by; placing the shoe from the foot of the person (s) they’re attacking with the rumors, and placing it directly on their own foot.

God is asking you to stop gossiping, will you do this for Him? He really loves you, and He really loves the person (s) in whom are being gossiped about.
Author: Mia Stubbs


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