I've googling about disease in Indonesia. I have found a link which tells about this :
The following health concerns or diseases are more commonly found in Indonesia compared to the USA and other areas of the Western World:
1. motor vehicle trauma - wear seatbelts and avoid night driving
2. diseases resulting from monkey bites e.g. rabies and Herpes B
3. respiratory conditions including asthma
4. bronchitis and allergies may be exacerbated by air pollution
I want to commented on it..
1. Hah! Even the world knows how dangerous driving in Indonesia. I give this statement to the drivers of a little transportation who think that their vehicle don't have a break.
2. Heh? Monkey bites? Have the world forget that most of Indonesian woods have been cut down?
3. It's true, especially for TB and Avian flu.
4. Hmmm... It can be because the CO2 from vehicle's pollution.
The most critical part is we must change! Especially for no. 1 and 4! Because it can be done with a great solution. But... what?
It can be started from yourself,Jal.If you have a motorcycle,don't use it if you want to go to close place..Walking is healty,right?Or you can use bicycle.You can both reduce air pollution and accident risk in the same time..hee..
Aku gak pulkam kok, di Jkt aja... kamu sendiri gmn?
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