Friday, April 1, 2011

How to Stop Porn Addiction

Step one: Do you admit you have a problem? Do you realize just how much damage porn addiction can do to your life and your relationships? Do you really want to know how to stop porn addiction? OR are you just hoping there is an easy one click cure?

Porn addiction is one of the most difficult addictions to overcome. Millions of people around the world struggle with overcoming this powerful vice once they acknowledge they have a problem. Its been compared to cocaine addiction because of similar neurochemical activity in the brain.

ome people struggle with a masturbation addiction as well as porn addiction. Masturbating and reaching climax only strengthens your addiction to porn more. If you only struggle with only masturbation addiction then you still have a chemical dependency on the brains neurochemicals. You brain does not see the difference between healthy sex with your spouse and releasing the chemicals yourself. So you become addicted to the easiest way to release the chemicals which is alone and doing the act far too often in some cases.

Read this case :

Three years ago I could not last a week without watching pornography and masturbating.

I struggled to stop on my own, but failed every time. I tried to find free help for porn addiction online, but all of the sites that I came across would only offer help in exchange for money. That is when I promised to myself, that if I ever find a way to break porn addiction I will create a free treatment program available to all!

I am proud to announce that it has been 2 years since I watched pornography or masturbated, and my life, especially my relationship with my future wife has transformed in magical ways!

I broke free by reading as many book as I could about porn addiction, paying for a few recovery programs, seeing a psychologist, and attending a group therapy.

In the following article I summarize the most valuable information that I learned in my four years of recovery that helped me to stop porn addiction.

Read more in :

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