Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Prison Break

Prison Break is one of my favourite serial DVD. Well, because I live in Indonesia I can not watch Prison Break regularly. The local TV aired it one episode a week. The cable TV does too. I am impatient to wait the upcoming episodes. So I watch it by DVD. Of course it is not original. Haha..

The story revolves around a man who was sentenced to death for a crime he did not commit and his brother's elaborate plan to help him escape his death sentence. Then he goes to prison for saving his brother. This is the story of the first season. The second season is about the running from the prison. The third season is about the story after the running in Panama.

The first time I saw the trailer, I was thinking that this serial is gonna be great. But after watch the first episode, I was thinking that this serial is like other drama serial. After episode by episode, I guess I am wrong.

This serial is great! Even after the second season, I think.. " Oh no... Third season will be second prison to escape, it must be boring..."

I guess I am wrong again. I am eager to watch the upcoming episodes!

1 comment:

Ayu Ambarsari Hanafiah said...

i love it too!
what a different one! :)

botak lucu. hhe.


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