Is he the best one hit wonder in Indonesia? or in the world? or in Twitter?
Well, it is depends on you. To be an iconic artist you don't always must have a great voice, just an unique looks and style, then you can be popular in this country.
Believe it or not, I just known his song for two months, and now he is dead. May He gave rest his soul.
semoga amal ibadahnya diterima Allah SWT. amin
Daripada kamu,kedinginan,mendingan tak gendong to?Enak to?Manteb to?Ah Ah Ah Aaaahh..
Dengar lagu "Tak Gendong" pertama kali, aku nggk suka, rasanya asing dan aneh. Lama2 karena sering muncul di TV jadi terbiasa. Selamat jalan Mbah Surip, semoga mendapatkan tempat yg damai di sisi Allah Swt.
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